Balance Sheets (BA900)

Components of the BA900 Report


  • Total TOTAL
  • Absa bank ltd 34118
  • Access bank south africa limited 416134
  • African bank limited n 160571
  • Albaraka bank ltd 110728
  • Bank of china ltd jhb branch t a bank of china jhb branc 337889
  • Bank of communications co ltd johannesburg branch 172618
  • Bank of taiwan south africa branch 148520
  • Bank zero mutual bank 170534
  • Bidvest bank limited 25070
  • Bnp paribas south africa branch 478636
  • Capitec bank 333107
  • China construction bank corporation jhb branch 341037
  • Citibank n a 165565
  • Deutsche bank ag 333778
  • Discovery bank limited 165271
  • Finbond mutual bank 477745
  • Firstrand bank limited 416053
  • Gbs mutual bank 418072
  • Goldman sachs international bank johannesburg branch 172286
  • Grindrod bank 155438
  • Habib overseas bank ltd 129593
  • Hbz bank ltd 165816
  • Hsbc bank plc johannesburg branch 535761
  • Investec bank ltd 25054
  • Ithala limited 329568
  • Jpmorgan chase bank johannesburg branch 331899
  • Nedbank ltd 416088
  • Sasfin bank ltd 335487
  • Standard chartered bank 535788
  • State bank of india 170798
  • The standard bank of s a ltd 416061
  • Tyme bank limited 165239
  • Vbs mutual bank 262293

Line Items

Assets at month end


  • Domestic assets 1
  • Domestic assets: Of which: foreign currency 2
  • Foreign assets 3
  • Foreign assets: Of which: foreign currency 4
  • TOTAL ASSETS (Domestic assets + Foreign assets) 5
  • Of which: under repurchase agreements 6


  • Central bank money and gold total of items 104 to 106 103
  • South african bank notes and subsidiary coin 104
  • Gold coin and bullion 105
  • Domestic currency deposits with sa reserve bank total of items 107 to 109 106
  • Cash reserve deposits interest bearing 107
  • Cash reserve deposits non interest bearing 108
  • Other deposits 109
  • Deposits loans and advances total of items 111 117 118 126 135 139 150 166 171 and 180 less item 194 110
  • Sa banksb total of items 112 and 116 111
  • Nc ds p nsc issued by banks with an unexpired maturity of total of items 113 to 115 112
  • Up to 1 month 113
  • More than 1 month to 6 months 114
  • More than 6 months 115
  • Other deposits with and loans and advances to sa banksb 116
  • Deposits with and loans and advances to foreign banks denominated in rand 117
  • Loans granted under resale agreements to total of items 119 to 125 118
  • Sa reserve bank 119
  • Banksd 120
  • Insurers 121
  • Pension funds 122
  • Other financial corporate sectorb 123
  • Non financial corporate sector 124
  • Other 125
  • Foreign currency loans and advances total of items 127 to 130 133 and 134 126
  • Foreign currency notes and coin 127
  • Deposits with and advances to sa reserve bank 128
  • Deposits with and advances to sa banksd 129
  • Other advances to total of items 131 and 132 130
  • Sa financial corporate sectorc 131
  • Sa non financial corporate sector and other 132
  • Deposits with and advances to foreign banks 133
  • Other advances to foreign sector 134
  • Redeemable preference shares issued by total items 136 to 138 135
  • Banksd 136
  • Financial corporate sectorc 137
  • Non financial corporate sector and other 138
  • Instalment debtors suspensive sales and leases total of items 140 and 145 139
  • Instalment sales total of items 141 to 144 140
  • Financial corporate sector 141
  • Non financial corporate sector 142
  • Household sector 143
  • Otherb 144
  • Leasing transactions total of items 146 to 149 145
  • Financial corporate sector 146
  • Non financial corporate sector 147
  • Household sector 148
  • Otherb 149
  • Mortgage advances total of items 151 155 and 159 150
  • Farm mortgages total of items 152 to 154 151
  • Corporate sector 152
  • Household sector 153
  • Otherb 154
  • Residential mortgages total of items 156 to 158 155
  • Corporate sector 156
  • Household sector 157
  • Otherb 158
  • Commercial and other mortgage advances total of items 160 to 165 159
  • Public financial corporate sector 160
  • Public non financial corporate sector 161
  • Private financial corporate sector 162
  • Private non financial corporate sector 163
  • Household sector 164
  • Otherb 165
  • Credit card debtors total of items 167 to 170 166
  • Financial corporate sector 167
  • Non financial corporate sector 168
  • Household sector 169
  • Otherb 170
  • Overdrafts loans and advances public sector total of items 172 to 179 171
  • Central government of the republic excluding social security funds 172
  • Social security funds 173
  • Provincial governments 174
  • Local government 175
  • Land bank 176
  • Other public financial corporate sector such as idc c 177
  • Public non financial corporate sector such as transnet eskom and telkom 178
  • Foreign public sector 179
  • Overdrafts loans and advances private sector total of items 181 187 and 188 180
  • Overdrafts including overdrafts under cash management schemes total of items 182 to 186 181
  • Financial corporate sector 182
  • Non financial corporate sector 183
  • Unincorporated business enterprises of households 184
  • Households 185
  • Non profit organisations serving households 186
  • Factoring debtors 187
  • Other loans and advances total of items 189 to 193 188
  • Financial corporate sector 189
  • Non financial corporate sector 190
  • Unincorporated business enterprises of households 191
  • Households 192
  • Non profit organisations serving households 193
  • Less credit impairments in respect of loans and advances 194
  • Investments and bills including trading portfolio assets total of items 196 207 213 217 221 225 229 233 237 241 and 246 less item 245 195
  • Interest bearing central or provincial government securities total of items 197 198 and 203 to 206 196
  • Non marketable government stock 197
  • Marketable government stock total of item 199 and 201 198
  • Unexpired maturity of up to 3 years 199
  • Memo nominal value of such stock 200
  • Unexpired maturity of more than 3 years 201
  • Memo nominal value of such stock 202
  • Government loan levies 203
  • Securities of provincial governments 204
  • Securities of social security funds 205
  • Securities of other central government institutionse 206
  • Other public sector interest bearing securities total of items 208 to 212 207
  • Sa reserve bank debentures 208
  • Securities including debentures issued by the land bank 209
  • Securities issued by other public financial corporate sectorb such as idc dbsa 210
  • Securities issued by public non financial corporate sector such as transnet and eskom 211
  • Securities of local authorities 212
  • Debentures and other interest bearing security investments of private sector total of items 214 to 216 213
  • Banksd 214
  • Financial corporate sectorc 215
  • Non financial corporate sector and other 216
  • Equity holdings in subsidiaries total of items 218 to 220 217
  • Banksc 218
  • Financial corporate sectorb 219
  • Non financial corporate sector 220
  • Equity holdings in associates including joint ventures total of items 222 to 224 221
  • Banksc 222
  • Financial corporate sectorb 223
  • Non financial corporate sector 224
  • Listed equities total of items 226 to 228 225
  • Banksc 226
  • Financial corporate sectorb 227
  • Non financial corporate sector 228
  • Unlisted equities total of items 230 to 232 229
  • Banksc 230
  • Financial corporate sectorb 231
  • Non financial corporate sector 232
  • Securitisation asset backed securities total of items 234 to 236 233
  • Banksc 234
  • Financial corporate sectorb 235
  • Non financial corporate sector 236
  • Derivative instruments issued by total of items 238 to 240 237
  • Banksc and other monetary institutionsf 238
  • Financial corporate sectorb 239
  • Non financial corporate sector and other 240
  • Other investments total of items 242 to 244 241
  • Banksc 242
  • Financial corporate sectorb 243
  • Non financial corporate sector 244
  • Less allowances for impairments i r o investments 245
  • Acceptances commercial paper bills promissory notes and similar acknowledgements of debt discounted or purchased total of items 247 250 to 254 and 257 246
  • Bankers acceptances total of items 248 and 249 247
  • Own bankers acceptances 248
  • Other bankers acceptances 249
  • Treasury bills 250
  • Sa reserve bank bills 251
  • Promissory notes 252
  • Commercial paper 253
  • Land bank bills total of items 255 and 256 254
  • Liquid 255
  • Non liquid 256
  • Other 257
  • Non financial assets total of items 259 and 264 258
  • Tangible assets total of items 260 to 263 259
  • Premises of the bank 260
  • Other fixed property 261
  • Computer equipment including peripherals 262
  • Other tangible assets including vehicles equipment furniture and fittings 263
  • Intangible assets total of items 265 and 266 264
  • Computer software 265
  • Other intangible assets including purchased goodwill 266
  • Other assets total of items 268 to 272 and 276 267
  • Clients liabilities per contra total of items 280 to 283 268
  • Remittances in transit 269
  • Current income tax receivables and deferred income tax assets 270
  • Retirement benefit assets 271
  • Assets acquired or bought in to protect an advance or investment total of items 273 to 275 272
  • Fixed property 273
  • Shares 274
  • Vehicles and other assets 275
  • Other 276
  • Total assets total of items 103 110 195 258 and 267 277
  • Disaggregated exposures 278
  • Details of client s liabilities per item 268 total of items 280 to 283 279
  • Acceptances outstanding 280
  • Commercial paper endorsed 281
  • Bills endorsed 282
  • Promissory notes and similar acknowledgements of debt endorsed 283
  • Total assets prior to netting or set off 284

Contingent liabilities and other risk exposures


  • Total 1


  • Guarantees on behalf of clients 285
  • Letters of credit 286
  • Bankers acceptances 287
  • Committed undrawn facilities including unutilised draw down facilities 288
  • Underwriting exposures including revolving underwriting exposures 289
  • Credit derivative instuments 290
  • Committed capital expenditure 291
  • Operating lease commitments 292
  • Other contingent liabilities 293
  • Of which uncommitted undrawn facilities 294
  • Portfolios managed for others where financing is provided 295

Equity at month end


  • TOTAL 1
  • Of which: liabilities to the foreign sector 2
  • Of which: in foreign currency (included in TOTAL) 3


  • Total equity total of items 97 and 101 96
  • Share capital total of items 98 to 100 97
  • Banksb 98
  • Financial corporate sectorc 99
  • Non financial corporate sector and other 100
  • Other reserves 101
  • Total equity and liabilities total of items 95 and 96 102

Liabilities at month end


  • Cheque 1a
  • Savings 2a
  • Up to 1 day 3a
  • More than 1 day to 1 month 4a
  • More than 1 month to 6 months 5a
  • More than 6 months 6a
  • TOTAL 7a
  • NCDs/PNs i 8a


  • Short-term 1
  • Medium-term 2
  • Long-term 3
  • TOTAL 4
  • Of which : in foreign currency 5


  • Deposits total of items 2 and 32 1
  • Deposits denominated in rand total of items 3 6 12 13 and 29 2
  • Sa banksb total of items 4 and 5 3
  • Nc ds p nsi 4
  • Other deposits 5
  • Central and provincial government sector depositsc total of items 7 10 and 11 6
  • Central government of the republic total of items 8 and 9 7
  • Tax and loan account 8
  • Other 9
  • Provincial governments 10
  • Social security funds 11
  • Other monetary institutionsh 12
  • Other domestic parties total of items 14 to 20 25 26 27 and 28 13
  • Local government 14
  • Public financial corporate sectord such as idc dbsa 15
  • Public investment corporation pic 16
  • Public non financial corporate sector such as transnet eskom and telkom 17
  • Insurersf 18
  • Pension funds 19
  • Private financial corporate sectore total of items 21 to 24 20
  • Money market unit trusts 21
  • Other unit trusts 22
  • Fund managers 23
  • Otherg 24
  • Private non financial corporate sector 25
  • Unincorporated business enterprises 26
  • Households 27
  • Non profit organisations serving households and other 28
  • Foreign sector total of items 30 and 31 29
  • Banks including foreign group funding 30
  • Other non residents 31
  • Deposits denominated in foreign currency total of items 33 to 38 32
  • Sa banksb 33
  • Sa central and provincial government 34
  • Sa household sector 35
  • Sa financial corporate sectorc 36
  • Sa non financial corporate sector and otherd 37
  • Foreign sector total of items 39 and 40 38
  • Banks 39
  • Other non residents 40
  • Other borrowed funds total of items 42 51 and 57 41
  • Loans received under repurchase transactions total of items 43 to 50 42
  • Sa reserve bank and corporation for public deposits 43
  • Sa banksb 44
  • Insurersg 45
  • Pension funds 46
  • Other financial corporate sectorc 47
  • Non financial corporate sector 48
  • Foreign sector 49
  • Other 50
  • Collateralised borrowing total of items 52 to 56 51
  • Sa banksb 52
  • Financial corporate sectore 53
  • Non financial corporate sector 54
  • Foreign sector 55
  • Other 56
  • Otherf 57
  • Foreign currency funding total of items 59 to 63 and 66 58
  • Sa reserve bank and corporation for public deposits 59
  • Sa banksb 60
  • Sa financial corporate sectord 61
  • Sa non financial corporate sector 62
  • Foreign sector other foreign funding 63
  • Original maturity of one year and less 64
  • Original maturity of more than one year 65
  • Other 66
  • Other liabilities to the public total of items 68 73 74 and 77 67
  • Debt securities total of items 69 to 72 68
  • Sa banksb 69
  • Financial corporate sectorc 70
  • Non financial corporate sector and other 71
  • Foreign sector 72
  • Credits in transit 73
  • Other total of items 75 and 76 74
  • Financial corporate sector 75
  • Non financial corporate sector and other 76
  • Foreign sector 77
  • Total liabilities to the public total of items 1 41 58 and 67 78
  • Outstanding liabilities on behalf of clients per contra item 268 79
  • Other liabilities total of items 81 85 86 90 91 and 94 80
  • Liabilities i r o derivative instruments to domestic sector total of items 82 to 84 81
  • Sa banksb and other monetary institutionsd 82
  • Financial corporate sectorc 83
  • Non financial corporate sector and other 84
  • Liabilities i r o derivative instruments to foreign sector 85
  • Other trading liabilities excluding derivatives to domestic sector total of items 87 to 89 86
  • Sa banksb 87
  • Financial corporate sectorc 88
  • Non financial corporate sector and other 89
  • Other trading liabilities excluding derivatives to foreign sector 90
  • Other liabilities to domestic sector total of items 92 and 93 91
  • Tax current and deferred 92
  • Other 93
  • Other liabilities to foreign sector 94
  • Total liabilities total of items 78 to 80 95

Reverse transaction assets assets lent to other parties in terms of a securities lending agreement


  • Total lent to other parties
  • Of which: on-lent


  • Total assets lent total of items 378 381 and 382 377
  • Equity instruments total of items 379 and 380 378
  • Domestic sector sa residents 379
  • Foreign sector non residents 380
  • Rsa government securities 381
  • Other securities total of items 383 and 384 382
  • Domestic sector sa residents 383
  • Foreign sector non residents 384

Reverse transaction assets assets temporarily acquired


  • Total acquired
  • Sold outright
  • Sold under repo
  • On-lent
  • Pledged as security
  • Other (in hand)


  • Total assets temporarily acquired total of items 352 and 369 351
  • Under loans granted under resale agreements total of items 353 356 359 and 366 352
  • Listed equity instruments total of items 354 and 355 353
  • Domestic sa residents 354
  • Foreign non residents 355
  • Unlisted equity instruments total of items 357 and 358 356
  • Domestic sa residents 357
  • Foreign non residents 358
  • Debt securities total of items 360 and 365 359
  • Domestic sa residents total of items 361 to 364 360
  • Banks 361
  • Rsa government 362
  • Public financial and non financial corporate sector 363
  • Other 364
  • Foreign non residents 365
  • Other securities total of items 367 and 368 366
  • Domestic sa residents 367
  • Foreign non residents 368
  • Under securities borrowing agreements total of items 370 373 and 374 369
  • Equity instruments total of items 371 and 372 370
  • Domestic sa residents 371
  • Foreign non residents 372
  • Rsa government securities 373
  • Other securities total of items 375 and 376 374
  • Domestic sa residents 375
  • Foreign non residents 376

Securitisation activity as originator


  • New securitisation during the month
  • Outstanding balance i.r.o. securitisation


  • Private sector total of item 344 to 348 343
  • Mortgages 344
  • Instalment sales and leasing transactions 345
  • Foreign currency loans 346
  • Credit cards and overdrafts 347
  • Other 348
  • Public sector total item 350 349
  • Loans and advancesd 350