
Civil Cases for Debt


  • SEAS - Constant actual

  • N - Number

  • R - R’000

  • Civil cases recorded and summonses issued for debt business enterprises and private persons cases recorded

    • total S1100000N
    • total S1100000SEASN
  • Civil cases recorded and summonses issued for debt business enterprises and private persons civil summonses for debt

    • goods sold instalment sale transactions S2112000N
    • goods sold open account S2111000N
    • money lent S2140000N
    • other S2160000N
    • promissory notes bills r d cheques credit cards and other S2150000N
    • rent S2130000N
    • services other S2124000N
    • services professional S2123000N
    • total S2100000N
    • total S2100000SEASN
    • total eastern cape S2100000ECN
    • total free state S2100000FSN
    • total gauteng S2100000GPN
    • total kwa zulu natal S2100000KZNN
    • total limpopo S2100000LPN
    • total mpumalanga S2100000MPN
    • total north west S2100000NWN
    • total northern cape S2100000NCN
    • total western cape S2100000WCN
  • Civil cases recorded and summonses issued for debt private persons cases recorded

    • total S1100002N
    • total S1100002SEASN
  • Civil cases recorded and summonses issued for debt private persons civil summonses for debt

    • goods sold instalment sale transactions S2112002N
    • goods sold open account S2111002N
    • money lent S2140002N
    • other S2160002N
    • promissory notes bills r d cheques credit cards and other S2150002N
    • rent S2130002N
    • services other S2124002N
    • services professional S2123002N
    • total S2100002N
    • total S2100002SEASN
  • Civil cases recorded in selected magistrates offices

    • bloemfontein S1100120N
    • cape peninsula S1100010N
    • durban S1100060N
    • east london S1100030N
    • east rand S1100080N
    • johannesburg S1100070N
    • kimberley S1100040N
    • pietermaritzburg S1100050N
    • port elizabeth S1100020N
    • pretoria S1100100N
    • vereeniging and vanderbijlpark S1100110N
    • west rand S1100090N
  • Civil default and consent judgements for debt business enterprises and private persons judgements

    • goods sold instalment sale transactions S3112000N, S3212000R
    • goods sold open account S3111000N, S3211000R
    • money lent S3140000N, S3240000R
    • other S3160000N, S3260000R
    • promissory notes bills r d cheques credit card S3250000R
    • promissory notes bills r d cheques credit cards and other S3150000N
    • rent S3130000N, S3230000R
    • services other S3124000N, S3224000R
    • services professional S3123000N, S3223000R
    • total S3100000N, S3100000SEASN
    • total S3200000R, S3200000SEASR
    • total eastern cape S3100000ECN, S3200000ECR
    • total free state S3100000FSN, S3200000FSR
    • total gauteng S3100000GPN, S3200000GPR
    • total kwa zulu natal S3100000KZNN, S3200000KZNR
    • total limpopo S3100000LPN, S3200000LPR
    • total mpumalanga S3100000MPN, S3200000MPR
    • total north west S3100000NWN, S3200000NWR
    • total northern cape S3100000NCN, S3200000NCR
    • total western cape S3100000WCN, S3200000WCR
  • Civil default and consent judgements for debt private persons judgements

    • goods sold instalment sale transactions S3112002N, S3212002R
    • goods sold open account S3111002N, S3211002R
    • money lent S3140002N , S3240002R
    • other S3160002N, S3260002R
    • promissory notes bills r d cheques credit card S3250002R
    • promissory notes bills r d cheques credit cards and other S3150002N
    • rent S3130002N, S3230002R
    • services other S3124002N, S3224002R
    • services professional S3123002N, S3223002R
    • total S3100002N, S3200002R
    • total S3100002SEASN, S3200002SEASR

Liquidations and Insolvencies


  • Insolvencies INV
  • Liquidations LIQ


  • Companies 1
  • Close corporations 2


  • Voluntary 1
  • Compulsory 2


  • Total 000
  • Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing 100
  • Mining and quarrying 200
  • Manufacturing 300
  • Electricity, gas and water 400
  • Construction 500
  • Wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation 600
  • Transport, storage, communication 700
  • Financing, insurance, real estate, business services 00
  • Community, social, personal services 900
  • Unclassified 9001

KEY: Type + Structure + Liquidation + Industry

  • example: LIQ12200
  • Liquidations + Companies + Compulsory + Mining and quarrying


  • Insolvencies Insolvencies INV00000
  • Insolvencies Seasonal adjusted INS00000
  • Liquidations Total LIQ00000

Example API

Civil Debt

  • Rental Cases
get_data(time_series_code = c("P0041-S2130000N"),
         output_format = "names")
# A tibble: 289 × 2
   date       Civil cases recorded and summonses issued for debt business ente…¹
   <date>                                                                  <dbl>
 1 2000-01-01                                                               3709
 2 2000-02-01                                                               6665
 3 2000-03-01                                                               6269
 4 2000-04-01                                                               4409
 5 2000-05-01                                                               7008
 6 2000-06-01                                                               5846
 7 2000-07-01                                                               5506
 8 2000-08-01                                                               5437
 9 2000-09-01                                                               6222
10 2000-10-01                                                               5352
# ℹ 279 more rows
# ℹ abbreviated name:
#   ¹​`Civil cases recorded and summonses issued for debt business enterprises and private persons civil summonses for debt rent`

Liquidation and Insolvencies

  • Manufacturing voluntary liquidation
get_data(time_series_code = c("P0043-LIQ11300"),
         output_format = "names")
# A tibble: 278 × 2
   date       `Liquidations companies compulsory manufacturing`
   <date>                                                 <dbl>
 1 2000-01-01                                                 1
 2 2000-02-01                                                 9
 3 2000-03-01                                                18
 4 2000-04-01                                                 6
 5 2000-05-01                                                 7
 6 2000-06-01                                                24
 7 2000-07-01                                                 7
 8 2000-08-01                                                 4
 9 2000-09-01                                                 4
10 2000-10-01                                                 3
# ℹ 268 more rows