
Land Transport


  • VAL - Actual figures
  • VALSEAS - Actual figures Seasonally adjusted
  • CUR - Current prices
  • CURSEAS - Current prices Seasonally adjusted
  • CUR - Current actual
  • CURSEAS - Current actual Seasonally adjusted


  • R Million R
  • Thousand N
  • Thousand Tons NT


Transportation of Commodities

  • Agriculture and forestry primary products AGRI
  • Primary mining and quarrying products MIN
  • Manufactured food, beverages and tobacco products MAN
  • Textiles, clothing and leather products TEX
  • Chemicals, coke, petroleum, rubber, plastic and other mineral products CHEM
  • Basic metals and fabricated metal products MET
  • Non-metallic products NONMET
  • Electrical machinery, transport machinery and equipment ELEC
  • Motor vehicles, parts and accessories MOT
  • Paper and paper products PAP
  • Commercial products COM
  • Used household and office products HOUSE
  • Containers CONT
  • Parcels PARC
  • Other freight OTH



  • Rail RAIL
  • Road ROAD


  • Freight F
  • Passenger P


  • Income INC
  • Payload PAY
  • Journeys JOUR

Tourism and Migration

Tourist Accommodation

Unit of Measure

  • Rands R
  • Rands Million RM
  • Percentage P
  • Thousands N


  • VAL - Actual figures
  • VALSEAS - Actual figures Seasonally adjusted
  • CUR - Current prices - Actual figures
  • CURSEAS - Current prices - Seasonally adjusted


  • Income from accommodation INCACC
  • Income from restaurant INCRES
  • Income from restaurant INCRES
  • Income per stay unit nights sold
  • Other income INCOTH
  • Occupancy rate OCC
  • Total industry TOT
  • Stay units available - STAYAVAIL
  • Stay units nights sold - STAYSOLD
  • Total income TOTALINC


  • Caravan parks and camping sites CARCAM
  • Guest houses and guest farms GUEST
  • Hotels HOTEL
  • Other accommodation OTHACC
  • Total industry TOTIND

Example API

Land Transport

get_data(time_series_code = c("P7162-N-VALSEASPAY", "P7162-N-VALSEASPJOUR"),
         output_format = "names")
# A tibble: 193 × 3
   date       `Total payload` `Total passenger journeys`
   <date>               <dbl>                      <dbl>
 1 2008-01-01           57188                      74713
 2 2008-02-01           60542                      77921
 3 2008-03-01           60206                      70129
 4 2008-04-01           63874                      71032
 5 2008-05-01           62141                      70738
 6 2008-06-01           65492                      70544
 7 2008-07-01           62924                      72393
 8 2008-08-01           63212                      74081
 9 2008-09-01           61255                      75471
10 2008-10-01           62540                      75562
# ℹ 183 more rows

Tourist Accommodation

get_data(time_series_code = c("P6410-RM-CUR-INCACC-HOTEL"),
         output_format = "names")
# A tibble: 205 × 2
   date       `Income from accommodation hotels`
   <date>                                  <dbl>
 1 2007-01-01                               866.
 2 2007-02-01                              1005.
 3 2007-03-01                              1036 
 4 2007-04-01                               904.
 5 2007-05-01                               879.
 6 2007-06-01                               803.
 7 2007-07-01                               867.
 8 2007-08-01                               954.
 9 2007-09-01                               984.
10 2007-10-01                              1147.
# ℹ 195 more rows