Sector Data

External Sector

Balance of Payments

  • Current account (nsa) KBP5007K
  • Goods: exports (nsa) KBP5000K
  • Goods: imports (nsa) KBP5003K
  • Services: credit (nsa) KBP5002K
  • Services: debit (nsa) KBP5004K
  • Income: credit (nsa) KBP5680K
  • Income: debit (nsa) KBP5681K
  • Current transfers: credit (nsa) BOP5692K
  • Current transfers: debit (nsa) BOP5693K
  • Capital account (nsa) KBP5682K
  • Capital account: credit (nsa) BOP5694K
  • Capital account: debit (nsa) BOP5695K
  • Financial account KBP5764K
  • Direct investment abroad KBP5656K
  • Direct investment in reporting economy KBP5640K
  • Portfolio investment, assets KBP5660K
  • Portfolio investment, liabilities KBP5644K
  • Financial derivatives, assets KBP5677K
  • Financial derivatives, liabilities KBP5672K
  • Other investment, assets KBP5666K
  • Other investment, liabilities KBP5650K
  • Reserve assets KBP5679K
  • Net errors and omissions KBP5766K
  • Official Reserve Assets BOP5806M
  • IMF reserve position BOP5279M
  • Special drawing rights BOP5271N
  • Gold BOP5270N
  • Foreign currency reserves BOP5272N
  • Other reserve assets BOP5280M
  • Template on International Reserves and foreign currency liquidity BOP5273M

Merchandise Trade

  • Total exports (nsa) CURX600A
  • Total imports (nsa) CURM600A

International investment position as at end of quarter

  • Assets BOP3000Q
  • Direct investment BOP3001Q
  • Portfolio investment BOP3002Q
  • Equity BOP3003Q
  • Debt BOP3004Q
  • Financial derivatives BOP3013Q
  • Other investment BOP3005Q
  • Reserve assets BOP3015Q
  • Liabilities BOP3006Q
  • Direct investment BOP3007Q
  • Portfolio investment BOP3008Q
  • Equity BOP3009Q
  • Debt BOP3010Q
  • Financial derivatives BOP3014Q
  • Other investment BOP3011Q
  • Net position (external financial assets minus liabilities) BOP3012Q
  • External debt BOP5514K

Exchange rates

  • Monthly exchange rate of the rand against the US dollar BOP5329M
  • Nominal effective exchange rate BOP5393M

Official Reserve Assets

  • Official Reserve Assets BOP5806M

Real Sector (National Accounts)

Forward-looking indicator

  • Leading indicator DIFN003A

GDP at constant 2015 prices, by production approach (seasonally adjusted and annualised)

  • Agriculture, forestry and fishing NRI6631D
  • Mining and quarrying NRI6632D
  • Manufacturing NRI6634D
  • Electricity and water NRI6635D
  • Construction (contractors) NRI6636D
  • Wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation NRI6638D
  • Transport, storage and communication NRI6639D
  • Finance and insurance, real estate and business services NRI6640D
  • Personal services NRI6647D
  • General Government Services NRI6643D
  • Total value added at basic prices NRI6645D
  • GDP at market prices (constant, sa) NRI6006D

GDP at current prices, by production approach (seasonally adjusted and annualised)

  • Agriculture, forestry and fishing NRI6631L
  • Mining and quarrying NRI6632L
  • Manufacturing NRI6634L
  • Electricity and water NRI6635L
  • Construction (contractors) NRI6636L
  • Wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation NRI6638L
  • Transport, storage and communication NRI6639L
  • Finance and insurance, real estate and business services NRI6640L
  • Personal services NRI6647L
  • General government services NRI6643L
  • Total value added at basic prices NRI6645L
  • GDP at market prices (current, sa) NRI6006L

GDP in constant 2015 prices, by expenditure approach

  • Final consumption expenditure by household (sa) NRI6007D
  • Final consumption expenditure by general government (sa) NRI6008D
  • Gross fixed capital formation (sa) NRI6009D
  • Change in inventories (sa) NRI6010D
  • Residual item (sa) NRI6011D
  • Gross domestic expenditure (sa) NRI6012D
  • Exports of goods and services (sa) NRI6013D
  • Imports of goods and services (sa) NRI6014D

GDP in current prices, by expenditure approach

  • Private consumption expenditure (sa) NRI6007L
  • Consumption expenditure by general government (sa) NRI6008L
  • Gross domestic fixed investment (sa) NRI6009L
  • Change in inventories (sa) NRI6010L
  • Residual item (sa) NRI6011L
  • Gross domestic expenditure NRI6012L
  • Exports of goods and non-factor services (sa) NRI6013L
  • Imports of goods and non-factor services (sa) NRI6014L

Labor market indicators

  • Employment (sa) LABP900L
  • Unemployment rate (nsa) LABT079A
  • Wages/Earnings (sa) LABP130L

Price indices * Consumer Prices (nsa) CPI1000A * Producer Prices (nsa) PPI1000A

Production Index

  • Manufacturing Production Index (sa) MPR0000B

Financial Sector

Depository Corporations Survey

  • Domestic credit to the government sector (net) (nsa) MON0037A
  • Domestic credit to the private sector (nsa) MON0023A
  • External position MON0041H
  • Monetary aggregate : M3 (nsa) MON0300A

Central Bank Survey

  • Domestic claims on the private sector (nsa) MON0179A
  • Domestic claims on the government sector (nsa) MON0191A
  • External position - net foreign assets (nsa) MON0263A
  • Reserve Money (m0) (nsa) MON0088A

Fiscal Sector

Consolidated General Government Operations

  • Cash receipts from operating activities GCK1000Q
  • Cash payments for operating activities GCK2000Q
  • Of which: Interest GCK2400Q
  • Net cash-flow from operating activities GCK4000Q
  • Net cash-flow from investment activities GCK3100Q
  • Cash surplus/deficit GCK4100Q
  • Net cash-flow from financing activities GCK4200Q
  • Financial assets other than cash GCK4300Q
  • Domestic GCK3535X
  • Loans GCK3504X
  • Other domestic financial assets GCK9100X
  • Foreign GCK3550Q
  • Liabilities GCK3600Q
  • Domestic GCK3601Q
  • Currency and deposits GCK3602Q
  • Securities other than shares GCK3603Q
  • Loans GCK3604Q
  • Other domestic liabilities GCK9200X
  • Foreign GCK3650Q
  • Currency and deposits GCK3651Q
  • Securities other than shares GCK3652Q
  • Loans GCK3653Q
  • Net change in the stock of cash GCK4400Q

Budgetary Central Government Operations

  • Cash-flow revenue (nsa) NGFC020M
  • Cash-flow expenditure (nsa) NGFC040M
  • Cash-flow balance (deficit -/surplus +) NGFC050M
  • Plus: Cost/profit on revaluation of foreign debt at redemption NGFC053M
  • Plus: Accrual adjustment NGFC059M
  • Net borrowing requirement (nsa) NGFC080M
  • Treasury bills and short-term loans NGFC101M
  • Domestic government bonds NGFC102M
  • Other financing NGFC104M
  • Non-marketable bonds NGD2502A
  • Loan levy NGD4076A
  • Foreign bonds and loans NGFC103M
  • Change in cash balances NGFC006M
  • Total net financing (nsa) NGFC100M

Budgetary Central Government Debt

  • Total gross loan debt (nsa) NGD1213A
  • Domestic Marketable (nsa) NGD1209A
  • Bills NGD1000A
  • Bonds NGD2000A
  • Not exceeding 1 year NGD2002A
  • Exceeding 1 but not 3 years NGD2003A
  • Exceeding 3 but not 10 years NGD2004A
  • Exceeding 10 years NGD2007A
  • Loan Levies NGD3000A
  • Domestic non-marketable (nsa) NGD4500A
  • Bills NGD1500A
  • Bonds NGD2500A
  • Floating rate bond NGD2710A
  • Loan levies NGD3500A
  • Foreign Debt NGD7900A
  • Marketable NGD7000A
  • Not exceeding 1 year NGD5101A
  • Exceeding 1 but not 3 years NGD5102A
  • Exceeding 3 years NGD5103A
  • Non-marketable NGD7500A
  • Other Debt (nsa) NGD8000A
  • Gold and Foreign Exchange Contingency Reserve Account (nsa) NGD9200A
  • Government guaranteed debt NGD9300A