Primary Sector



  • Seasonally adjusted indices FMS
  • Actual index FMP


  • Actual value (Sales) MVK
  • Seasonally adjusted value (Sales) MVS


  • Total, gold included 20000
  • Total, gold excluded 20001
  • Coal 21000
  • Iron ore 23010
  • Chromium 23020
  • Copper 23021
  • Manganese ore 23022
  • PGMs 23023
  • Nickel 23029
  • Other metallic minerals 23999
  • Gold 24000
  • Diamonds 27000
  • Building materials 28888
  • Building materials: Granite or norite 28010
  • Building materials: Lime and limestone 28011
  • Building materials: Other building materials 28889
  • Other non-metallic minerals 28999

Example API

get_data(time_series_code = c("P2041-FMS23023"),
         output_format = "codes")
# A tibble: 249 × 2
   date_col   `P2041-FMS23023`
   <date>                <dbl>
 1 2003-01-01             54.9
 2 2003-02-01            129. 
 3 2003-03-01             90.2
 4 2003-04-01             91.5
 5 2003-05-01             90  
 6 2003-06-01            101. 
 7 2003-07-01             98.6
 8 2003-08-01             97.4
 9 2003-09-01            104. 
10 2003-10-01            122. 
# ℹ 239 more rows
get_data(time_series_code = c("P2041-FMS23023"),
         output_format = "nested") %>% t
source                      "StatsSA"                                  
country                     "ZA"                                       
name                        "statistical_releases"                     
frequency                   "monthly"                                  
frequency_description       NA                                         
classification              "mining: production and sales"             
description                 "physical volume of mining production-pgms"
timeseries_code             "P2041-FMS23023"                           
unit_of_measure             "index"                                    
unit_of_measure_description "Seasonally adjusted indices-2019=100"     
data                        tbl_df,2