
Wholesale Trade

  • Total con_act
  • Total con_seas
  • Total cur_act
  • Total cur_seas
  • Wholesale trade on a fee or contract basis sales6110
  • Wholesale trade in agricultural raw materials and livestock sales6121
  • Wholesale trade in food, beverages and tobacco sales6122
  • Wholesale trade in textiles, clothing and footwear sales6131
  • Wholesale trade in other household goods except precious stones sales6139
  • Wholesale trade in precious stones, jewellery and silverware sales613A
  • Wholesale trade in solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products sales6141
  • Wholesale trade in metals and metal ores sales6142
  • Wholesale trade in construction and building materials sales6143
  • Wholesale trade in other intermediate products, waste and scrap sales6149
  • Wholesale trade in machinery, equipment and supplies sales6150
  • Wholesale trade in other goods sales6190

Retail Trade


  • CON - Constant actual
  • CONSEAS - Constant actual Seasonally adjusted
  • CUR - Current actual
  • CURSEAS - Current actual Seasonally adjusted


  • Total S6200
  • General dealers S621C
  • Retailers of food beverages and tobacco in specialised stores S6220
  • Retailers in pharmaceutical and medical goods cosmetics and toiletries S6231
  • Retailers in textiles clothing footwear and leather goods S6232
  • Retailers in household furniture appliances and equipment S6233
  • Retailers in hardware paint and glass S6234
  • All other retailers S6239

Motor Trade


  • CON - Constant actual
  • CONSEAS - Constant actual Seasonally adjusted
  • CUR - Current actual
  • CURSEAS - Current actual Seasonally adjusted


  • Income from the sales of accessories accessories
  • Income from convenience store sales conv_store
  • Income from fuel sales fuel
  • New vehicle sales new_vehicles
  • Total total
  • Used vehicle sales used_vehicles
  • Workshop income workshop

Export and import unit value indices



  • Exports UVI10000
  • Exports excluding gold UVI31000
  • Exports excluding ores and minerals UVI32000
  • Exports excluding basic metals UVI33000


  • Imports UVI20000
  • Imports excluding crude UVI34000


  • All items UVI40000
  • Agriculture UVI41000
  • Beverages UVI42000
  • Ores and minerals UVI43000
  • Coal UVI43100
  • Metal ores UVI43200
  • Iron ores and concentrates UVI43210
  • Non-ferrous metal ores and concentrates UVI43220
  • Other minerals UVI43300
  • Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment UVI44000
  • Coke oven and refined petroleum products UVI44100
  • Basic chemicals UVI44200
  • Other chemical products UVI44300
  • Waste and scrap UVI44400
  • Rubber and plastic products UVI44500
  • Metal products, machinery and equipment UVI45000
  • Basic metals UVI45100
  • Basic iron and steel UVI45110
  • Productsof iron and steel UVI45120
  • Basic precious metals and metals clad with precious metals UVI45130
  • Other semi-finished metal products UVI45140
  • Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment UVI45600
  • General purpose machinery UVI45200
  • Special-purpose machinery UVI45300
  • Transport equipment UVI45400
  • Motor vehicles UVI45410
  • Parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their engines UVI45420
  • Other machinery and equipment UVI45500


  • All items UVI50000
  • Crude petroleum UVI51000
  • Food products UVI52000
  • Fats and oils UVI52100
  • Grain mill products UVI52200
  • Clothing and footwear UVI53000
  • Clothing UVI53100
  • Footwear UVI53200
  • Other transportable goods, except metal products, machinery and equipment UVI54000
  • Paper and paperboard UVI54100
  • Coke oven and refined petroleum products UVI54200
  • Basic chemicals UVI54300
  • Pharmaceutical and other chemical products UVI54400
  • Pharmaceutical products UVI54410
  • Other chemical products UVI54420
  • Rubber and plastic products UVI54500
  • Other transportable goods n.e.c. UVI54600
  • Metal products, machinery and equipment UVI55000
  • Basic metals UVI55100
  • Fabricated metal products UVI55200
  • General purpose machinery UVI55300
  • Special purpose machinery UVI55400
  • Machinery for mining, quarrying and construction, and parts thereof UVI55410
  • Agricultural or forestry machinery and parts thereof UVI55420
  • Other machinery and parts thereof UVI55430
  • Office, accounting and computing machinery UVI55500
  • Electrical machinery and apparatus UVI55600
  • Radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus UVI55700
  • Medical appliances, precision and optical instruments, watches and clocks UVI55800
  • Transport equipment UVI55900
  • Vehicles UVI55910
  • Bodies and parts of vehicles UVI55920
  • Other transport equipment UVI55930

Example API

Wholesale Trade

get_data(time_series_code = c("P6141_2-sales6143"),
         output_format = "names") %>% 
# A tibble: 229 × 2
   date       type of dealer-wholesale trade in construction and building mate…¹
   <date>                                                                  <dbl>
 1 2004-09-01                                                               3859
 2 2004-10-01                                                               4422
 3 2004-11-01                                                               4246
 4 2004-12-01                                                               3332
 5 2005-01-01                                                               3053
 6 2005-02-01                                                               3365
 7 2005-03-01                                                               3451
 8 2005-04-01                                                               3705
 9 2005-05-01                                                               3876
10 2005-06-01                                                               3757
# ℹ 219 more rows
# ℹ abbreviated name:
#   ¹​`type of dealer-wholesale trade in construction and building materials`

Retail Trade

get_data(time_series_code = c("P6242_1-CUR-S621C"),
         output_format = "names") %>% 
# A tibble: 229 × 2
   date       `General dealers`
   <date>                 <dbl>
 1 2005-01-01             11093
 2 2005-02-01             10932
 3 2005-03-01             11782
 4 2005-04-01             11009
 5 2005-05-01             11233
 6 2005-06-01             11397
 7 2005-07-01             11466
 8 2005-08-01             11517
 9 2005-09-01             12398
10 2005-10-01             12401
# ℹ 219 more rows

Motor Trade

get_data(time_series_code = c("P6343_2-CURSEAS-fuel"),
         output_format = "names")
# A tibble: 224 × 2
   date       `Income from fuel sales`
   <date>                        <dbl>
 1 2005-06-01                     6750
 2 2005-07-01                     7042
 3 2005-08-01                     7483
 4 2005-09-01                     7945
 5 2005-10-01                     8295
 6 2005-11-01                     8279
 7 2005-12-01                     7809
 8 2006-01-01                     8217
 9 2006-02-01                     8384
10 2006-03-01                     8208
# ℹ 214 more rows

Export and import unit value indices

get_data(time_series_code = c("P0142.7-UVI55600"),
         output_format = "names")
# A tibble: 97 × 2
   date       `Imports electrical machinery and apparatus`
   <date>                                            <dbl>
 1 2016-01-01                                         70.9
 2 2016-02-01                                         74.7
 3 2016-03-01                                         75.4
 4 2016-04-01                                         75.9
 5 2016-05-01                                         75.5
 6 2016-06-01                                         86.2
 7 2016-07-01                                         85.8
 8 2016-08-01                                         80.9
 9 2016-09-01                                         78.4
10 2016-10-01                                         77.9
# ℹ 87 more rows