Secondary Sector

Electricity Production


  • IN - Index
  • IS - Seasonally adjusted Index
  • TR - gigawatt-hours
  • TS - gigawatt-hours Seasonally adjusted

Total All Producers

  • Electricity available for distribution in South Africa: Total ELEKTR10, ELEKTS10
  • Physical volume of electricity production ELEKIS11, ELEKIN11
  • Electricity produced: Total ELEKTR11
  • Purchased outside South Africa (import): Total ELEKTR13
  • Consumed in power stations and auxiliary systems: Total ELEKTR12
  • Sold outside South Africa (export), Total ELEKTR14


  • Electricity available for distribution in South Africa: Eskom ELEKTR20
  • Electricity produced: Eskom ELEKTR21
  • Consumed in power stations and auxiliary system: Eskom ELEKTR22
  • Purchased outside South Africa (import): Eskom ELEKTR23
  • Sold outside South Africa (export): Eskom ELEKTR24


  • Electricity distributed: Western Cape ELEKTRWC
  • Electricity distributed: Eastern Cape ELEKTREC
  • Electricity distributed: Northern Cape ELEKTRNC
  • Electricity distributed: Free State ELEKTRFS
  • Electricity distributed: KwaZulu-Natal ELEKTRKZ
  • Electricity distributed: North west ELEKTRNW
  • Electricity distributed: Gauteng ELEKTRGT
  • Electricity distributed: Mpumalanga ELEKTRML
  • Electricity distributed: Limpopo ELEKTRLP
  • Electricity distributed: South Africa ELEKTRSA



  • MPI Actual indices
  • MPS Seasonally adjusted Index


  • MSS Seasonally adjusted
  • MSV Actual value of sales


  • Total manufacturing 30000
  • Meat fish fruit etc 30100
  • Dairy products 30200
  • Grain mill products 30300
  • Other food products 30400
  • Beverages 30500
  • Food and beverages 30999
  • Textiles 31100
  • Other textile products 31200
  • Knitted crocheted articles 31300
  • Wearing apparel 31400
  • Leather and leather products 31600
  • Footwear 31700
  • Textiles clothing leather and footwear 31999
  • Saw milling and planing of wood 32100
  • Products of wood 32200
  • Paper and paper products 32300
  • Publishing 32400
  • Printing recorded media 32500
  • Wood and wood products paper publishing and printing 32999
  • Coke petroleum products and nuclear fuel 33209
  • Basic chemicals 33400
  • Other chemical products 33500
  • Rubber products 33700
  • Plastic products 33800
  • Petroleum chemical products rubber and plastic products 33999
  • Glass and glass products 34100
  • Non metallic mineral products 34200
  • Glass and non metallic mineral products 34999
  • Basic iron and steel products 35100
  • Non ferrous metal products 35200
  • Structural metal products 35400
  • Other fabricated metal products 35500
  • General purpose machinery 35600
  • Special purpose machinery 35700
  • Household appliances 35800
  • Basic iron and steel non ferrous metal products metal products and machinery 35999
  • Electric motors generators transformers 36100
  • Electricity distribution and control apparatus 36200
  • Insulated wire and cables 36300
  • Accumulators primary cells and primary batteries 36400
  • Electric lamps and lighting equipment 36500
  • Other electrical equipment 36600
  • Electrical machinery 36999
  • Radio television and communication apparatus 37200
  • Professional equipment 37400
  • Radio television and communication apparatus and professional equipment 37999
  • Motor vehicles 38100
  • Bodies for motor vehicles trailers and semi trailers 38200
  • Parts and accessories 38300
  • Other transport equipment 38400
  • Motor vehicles parts and accessories and other transport equipment 38999
  • Other manufacturing groups 39OTHER
  • Furniture 39100
  • Furniture and other manufacturing division 39991

Building Statistics


  • Building plans passed by larger municipalities by type of building G
  • Buildings reported as completed to larger municipalities by type of building V


** Current prices Actual values 00 ** Constant prices Seasonally adjusted values S1

Building Type

  • Total 0
  • Residential buildings 1
  • Non-residential buildings 2
  • Additions and alterations 3

Dwelling Type

  • Total 0
  • Dwelling-houses A
  • Office and banking space D
  • Shopping space E
  • Industrial and warehouse space F
  • Flats and townhousesJ
  • Other L


  • South Africa 0
  • Provinces
    • Western Cape R
    • Eastern Cape S
    • Northern Cape T
    • Free State U
    • KwaZulu-Natal V
    • North West W
    • Gauteng X
    • Mpumalanga Y
    • Limpopo Z


  • None 0
  • < 80 square metres 5
  • “>=” 80 square metres 6

Unit of measure

  • R’000 3
  • Number 2
  • Square metres 1

KEY: Measures + Transformations + Building Type + Dwelling Type + Geographic + Sizing + Unit of measure

Example API

Electricity Production

  • Total - all producers-electricity available for distribution in south africa
get_data(time_series_code = c("P4141-ELEKTR10"),
         output_format = "names")
# A tibble: 290 × 2
   date       total - all producers-electricity available for distribution in …¹
   <date>                                                                  <dbl>
 1 2000-01-01                                                              15512
 2 2000-02-01                                                              15224
 3 2000-03-01                                                              16225
 4 2000-04-01                                                              15399
 5 2000-05-01                                                              17064
 6 2000-06-01                                                              16818
 7 2000-07-01                                                              17759
 8 2000-08-01                                                              17214
 9 2000-09-01                                                              16180
10 2000-10-01                                                              16709
# ℹ 280 more rows
# ℹ abbreviated name:
#   ¹​`total - all producers-electricity available for distribution in south africa`


get_data(time_series_code = c("P3041.2-MSV38400"),
         output_format = "names")
# A tibble: 313 × 2
   date       `Other transport equipment`
   <date>                           <dbl>
 1 1998-01-01                      476624
 2 1998-02-01                      720200
 3 1998-03-01                      813206
 4 1998-04-01                      783566
 5 1998-05-01                      600075
 6 1998-06-01                      887575
 7 1998-07-01                      660275
 8 1998-08-01                      651426
 9 1998-09-01                      845785
10 1998-10-01                      815500
# ℹ 303 more rows

Building Statistics

  • Building plans passed by larger municipalities by type of building-residential buildings-dwelling-houses < 80 square metres-province-free state
get_data(time_series_code = c("P5041.1-G001AU53"),
         output_format = "names")
# A tibble: 285 × 2
   date       building plans passed by larger municipalities by type of buildi…¹
   <date>                                                                  <dbl>
 1 2000-01-01                                                               2918
 2 2000-02-01                                                              29453
 3 2000-03-01                                                               6613
 4 2000-04-01                                                               4475
 5 2000-05-01                                                               7268
 6 2000-06-01                                                               6245
 7 2000-07-01                                                              11135
 8 2000-08-01                                                               5051
 9 2000-09-01                                                              15574
10 2000-10-01                                                              12677
# ℹ 275 more rows
# ℹ abbreviated name:
#   ¹​`building plans passed by larger municipalities by type of building-residential buildings-dwelling-houses < 80 square metres-province-free state`