Electricity Production (P4141
- Index
- Seasonally adjusted Index
- gigawatt-hours
- gigawatt-hours Seasonally adjusted
Total All Producers
Electricity available for distribution in South Africa: Total ELEKTR10
Physical volume of electricity production ELEKIS11
Electricity produced: Total ELEKTR11
Purchased outside South Africa (import): Total ELEKTR13
Consumed in power stations and auxiliary systems: Total ELEKTR12
Sold outside South Africa (export), Total ELEKTR14
Electricity available for distribution in South Africa: Eskom ELEKTR20
Electricity produced: Eskom ELEKTR21
Consumed in power stations and auxiliary system: Eskom ELEKTR22
Purchased outside South Africa (import): Eskom ELEKTR23
Sold outside South Africa (export): Eskom ELEKTR24
Electricity distributed: Western Cape ELEKTRWC
Electricity distributed: Eastern Cape ELEKTREC
Electricity distributed: Northern Cape ELEKTRNC
Electricity distributed: Free State ELEKTRFS
Electricity distributed: KwaZulu-Natal ELEKTRKZ
Electricity distributed: North west ELEKTRNW
Electricity distributed: Gauteng ELEKTRGT
Electricity distributed: Mpumalanga ELEKTRML
Electricity distributed: Limpopo ELEKTRLP
Electricity distributed: South Africa ELEKTRSA
Manufacturing (P3041.2
Actual indices
Seasonally adjusted Index
Seasonally adjusted
Actual value of sales
Total manufacturing 30000
Meat fish fruit etc 30100
Dairy products 30200
Grain mill products 30300
Other food products 30400
Beverages 30500
Food and beverages 30999
Textiles 31100
Other textile products 31200
Knitted crocheted articles 31300
Wearing apparel 31400
Leather and leather products 31600
Footwear 31700
Textiles clothing leather and footwear 31999
Saw milling and planing of wood 32100
Products of wood 32200
Paper and paper products 32300
Publishing 32400
Printing recorded media 32500
Wood and wood products paper publishing and printing 32999
Coke petroleum products and nuclear fuel 33209
Basic chemicals 33400
Other chemical products 33500
Rubber products 33700
Plastic products 33800
Petroleum chemical products rubber and plastic products 33999
Glass and glass products 34100
Non metallic mineral products 34200
Glass and non metallic mineral products 34999
Basic iron and steel products 35100
Non ferrous metal products 35200
Structural metal products 35400
Other fabricated metal products 35500
General purpose machinery 35600
Special purpose machinery 35700
Household appliances 35800
Basic iron and steel non ferrous metal products metal products and machinery 35999
Electric motors generators transformers 36100
Electricity distribution and control apparatus 36200
Insulated wire and cables 36300
Accumulators primary cells and primary batteries 36400
Electric lamps and lighting equipment 36500
Other electrical equipment 36600
Electrical machinery 36999
Radio television and communication apparatus 37200
Professional equipment 37400
Radio television and communication apparatus and professional equipment 37999
Motor vehicles 38100
Bodies for motor vehicles trailers and semi trailers 38200
Parts and accessories 38300
Other transport equipment 38400
Motor vehicles parts and accessories and other transport equipment 38999
Other manufacturing groups 39OTHER
Furniture 39100
Furniture and other manufacturing division 39991
Building Statistics (P5041.1
Building plans passed by larger municipalities by type of building G
Buildings reported as completed to larger municipalities by type of building V
** Current prices Actual values 00
** Constant prices Seasonally adjusted values S1
Building Type
Total 0
Residential buildings 1
Non-residential buildings 2
Additions and alterations 3
Dwelling Type
Total 0
Dwelling-houses A
Office and banking space D
Shopping space E
Industrial and warehouse space F
Flats and townhousesJ
Other L
South Africa 0
Western Cape R
Eastern Cape S
Northern Cape T
Free State U
KwaZulu-Natal V
North West W
Gauteng X
Mpumalanga Y
Limpopo Z
None 0
< 80 square metres 5
“>=” 80 square metres 6
Unit of measure
R’000 3
Number 2
Square metres 1
KEY: Measures + Transformations + Building Type + Dwelling Type + Geographic + Sizing + Unit of measure
Example API
Electricity Production
Total - all producers-electricity available for distribution in south africa
library (berdata)
get_data (time_series_code = c ("P4141-ELEKTR10" ),
output_format = "names" )
# A tibble: 290 × 2
date total - all producers-electricity available for distribution in …¹
<date> <dbl>
1 2000-01-01 15512
2 2000-02-01 15224
3 2000-03-01 16225
4 2000-04-01 15399
5 2000-05-01 17064
6 2000-06-01 16818
7 2000-07-01 17759
8 2000-08-01 17214
9 2000-09-01 16180
10 2000-10-01 16709
# ℹ 280 more rows
# ℹ abbreviated name:
# ¹`total - all producers-electricity available for distribution in south africa`
library (berdata)
get_data (time_series_code = c ("P3041.2-MSV38400" ),
output_format = "names" )
# A tibble: 313 × 2
date `Other transport equipment`
<date> <dbl>
1 1998-01-01 476624
2 1998-02-01 720200
3 1998-03-01 813206
4 1998-04-01 783566
5 1998-05-01 600075
6 1998-06-01 887575
7 1998-07-01 660275
8 1998-08-01 651426
9 1998-09-01 845785
10 1998-10-01 815500
# ℹ 303 more rows
Building Statistics
Building plans passed by larger municipalities by type of building-residential buildings-dwelling-houses < 80 square metres-province-free state
library (berdata)
get_data (time_series_code = c ("P5041.1-G001AU53" ),
output_format = "names" )
# A tibble: 285 × 2
date building plans passed by larger municipalities by type of buildi…¹
<date> <dbl>
1 2000-01-01 2918
2 2000-02-01 29453
3 2000-03-01 6613
4 2000-04-01 4475
5 2000-05-01 7268
6 2000-06-01 6245
7 2000-07-01 11135
8 2000-08-01 5051
9 2000-09-01 15574
10 2000-10-01 12677
# ℹ 275 more rows
# ℹ abbreviated name:
# ¹`building plans passed by larger municipalities by type of building-residential buildings-dwelling-houses < 80 square metres-province-free state`