National Accounts


  • Average capital labour ratio KBP6275Y
  • Average capital output ratio KBP6273Y
  • Average output labour ratio KBP6274Y
  • Change in gold and other foreign reserves KBP6205J
  • Collective consumption expenditure by general government KBP6606J
  • Collective consumption expenditure by general government KBP6606Y
  • Current expenditure by general government on subsidies KBP6005J
  • Current taxes on income and wealth of households KBP6245J
  • Current transfers from the rest of the world KBP6614J
  • Current transfers to the rest of the world KBP6615J
  • Foreign investment KBP6206J
  • Other subsidies on production in all industries KBP6601J
  • Other taxes on production in all industries KBP6600J
  • Primary income from the rest of the world KBP6612J
  • Primary income to the rest of the world KBP6613J
  • Individual consumption expenditure by general government KBP6605J
  • Individual consumption expenditure by general government KBP6605Y
  • Subsidies on products KBP6604J
  • Taxes on products KBP6603J

Allocation of primary income account

  • Dividends paid: Financial corporations KBP6712J
  • Dividends paid: Non-financial corporations KBP6754J
  • Dividends paid: Total domestic economy KBP6878J
  • Dividends received: Financial corporations KBP6709J
  • Dividends received: General government KBP6789J
  • Dividends received: Households and NPISHs KBP6829J
  • Dividends received: Non-financial corporations KBP6749J
  • Dividends received: Total domestic economy KBP6874J
  • Interest paid: Financial corporations KBP6711J
  • Interest paid: General government KBP6792J
  • Interest paid: Households and NPISHs KBP6833J
  • Interest paid: Non-financial corporations KBP6753J
  • Interest paid: Total domestic economy KBP6877J
  • Interest received: Financial corporations KBP6708J
  • Interest received: General government KBP6788J
  • Interest received: Households and NPISHs KBP6828J
  • Interest received: Non-financial corporations KBP6748J
  • PI received by GG: PI attributed to insurance policy holders KBP6808J
  • Interest received: Total domestic economy KBP6873J
  • PI received by FC: PI attributed to insurance policy holders and PF members KBP6732J
  • Property income attri- buted to insurance policy holders and pension fund members KBP6713J
  • Property income attri- buted to insurance policy holders and pension fund members KBP6750J
  • Property income attri- buted to insurance policy holders and pension fund members KBP6830J
  • Property income paid: Financial corporations KBP6710J
  • Property income paid: General government KBP6791J
  • Property income paid: Households and NPISHs KBP6832J
  • Property income paid: Non-financial corporations KBP6752J
  • Property income paid: Total domestic economy KBP6876J
  • Property income received: Financial corporations KBP6707J
  • Property income received: General government KBP6787J
  • Property income received: Households and NPISHs KBP6827J
  • Property income received: Non-financial corporations KBP6747J
  • Property income received: Total domestic economy KBP6872J
  • Rent paid: Households and NPISHs KBP6834J
  • Rent paid: Non-financial corporations KBP6755J
  • Rent paid: Total domestic economy KBP6879J
  • Rent received: General government KBP6790J
  • Rent received: Households and NPISHs KBP6831J
  • Rent received: Non-financial corporations KBP6751J
  • Rent received: Total domestic economy KBP6875J

Balance sheet

  • Assets with monetary institutions: Households and NPISHs KBP6924J
  • Interest in pension funds and long-term insurers: Households and NPISHs KBP6925J
  • Memo item: Net wealth including durable consumer goods: Households and NPISHs KBP6933J
  • Net wealth: Households and NPISHs KBP6931J
  • Other debt: Households and NPISHs KBP6930J
  • Other financial assets: Households and NPISHs KBP6926J
  • Other non-financial assets: Households and NPISHs KBP6922J
  • Residential buildings: Households and NPISHs KBP6921J
  • Total assets: Households and NPISHs KBP6927J
  • Total financial assets: Households and NPISHs KBP6923J
  • Total liabilities and net wealth: Households and NPISHs KBP6932J
  • Total liabilities: Households and NPISHs KBP6928J
  • Total mortgage advances: Households and NPISHs KBP6929J
  • Total non-financial assets: Households and NPISHs KBP6920J

Capital account

  • Capital transfers paid: General government KBP6805J
  • Capital transfers paid: Households and NPISHs KBP6851J
  • Capital transfers paid: Non-financial corporations KBP6769J
  • Capital transfers paid: Total domestic economy KBP6889J
  • Capital transfers payable: ROW KBP6914J
  • Capital transfers receivable: ROW KBP6915J
  • Capital transfers received by Financial corporations KBP6728J
  • Capital transfers received by non- financial corporations KBP6768J
  • Capital transfers received: General government KBP6804J
  • Capital transfers received: Households and NPISHs KBP6850J
  • Capital transfers received: Total domestic economy KBP6888J
  • Change in assets by General government KBP6806J
  • Change in assets of Financial corporations KBP6729J
  • Change in assets of households and NPISHs KBP6852J
  • Change in assets of non-financial corporations KBP6770J
  • Change in inventories of Financial Corporations KBP6736J
  • Change in inventories of households and NPISHs KBP6854J
  • Change in inventories: Non-financial corporations KBP6772J
  • Gross fixed capital formation of households and NPISHs (Investment) KBP6853J
  • Gross fixed capital formation: Financial corporations (Investment) KBP6730J
  • Gross fixed capital formation: Non-financial corporations (Investment) KBP6771J
  • Net lending/borrowing by ROW KBP6916J
  • Net lending/borrowing of Financial corporations KBP6731J
  • Net lending/borrowing of General government KBP6807J
  • Net lending/borrowing of households and NPISHs KBP6855J
  • Net lending/borrowing of non-financial corporations KBP6773J

Change in inventories

  • Change in inventories KBP6010C
  • Change in inventories KBP6010D
  • Change in inventories KBP6010J
  • Change in inventories KBP6010K
  • Change in inventories KBP6010L
  • Change in inventories KBP6010Y
  • Agriculture, forestry & fishing KBP6160J
  • Agriculture, forestry & fishing KBP6160Y
  • Construction (contractors) KBP6166J
  • Construction (contractors) KBP6166Y
  • Electricity, gas & water KBP6165J
  • Electricity, gas & water KBP6165Y
  • Manufacturing KBP6162J
  • Manufacturing KBP6162Y
  • Mining & quarrying KBP6161J
  • Mining & quarrying KBP6161Y
  • Private business enterprises KBP6177J
  • Private business enterprises KBP6177Y
  • Public corporations KBP6176J
  • Public corporations KBP6176Y
  • Wholesale & retail trade, catering & accommodation KBP6167J
  • Wholesale & retail trade, catering & accommodation KBP6167Y
  • ommunity, social & personal services KBP6172J
  • ommunity, social & personal services KBP6172Y
  • inancial intermediation, insurance, real estate and business services KBP6171J
  • inancial intermediation, insurance, real estate and business services KBP6171Y
  • eneral government KBP6175J
  • eneral government KBP6175Y
  • ransport, storage & communication KBP6170J
  • ransport, storage & communication KBP6170Y


  • Compensation of South African employees KBP6207J
  • Compensation of South African residents in the rest of the world KBP6208J
  • Compensation of employees KBP6000J
  • Compensation of employees to GDP at factor cost KBP6295J
  • Compensation of employees to GDP at factor cost KBP6295L
  • Compensation of residents KBP6240J
  • Compensation of residents KBP6240K
  • Compensation of residents KBP6240L

Consumption of fixed capital

  • Consumption of fixed capital (Depreciation) KBP6002J
  • Consumption of fixed capital by general government (Depreciation) KBP6184J
  • Consumption of fixed capital by private business enterprises (Depreciation) KBP6186J
  • Consumption of fixed capital by public corporations (Depreciation) KBP6185J

Disposable income

  • households (PCE-deflator) KBP6246J
  • households (PCE-deflator) KBP6246K
  • households (PCE-deflator) KBP6246L
  • households (PCE-deflator) KBP6246N
  • households (PCE-deflator) KBP6246S
  • households (PCE-deflator) KBP6246Z
  • per capita of households KBP6272J
  • per capita of households KBP6272Y
  • per capita of households KBP6272Z
  • Household debt to disposable income of households KBP6525J
  • Household debt to disposable income of households KBP6525L

Expenditure on gross domestic product

  • Expenditure on gross domestic product KBP6045C
  • Expenditure on gross domestic product KBP6045D
  • Expenditure on gross domestic product KBP6045J
  • Expenditure on gross domestic product KBP6045K
  • Expenditure on gross domestic product KBP6045L
  • Expenditure on gross domestic product KBP6045Y


  • goods & services KBP6013C
  • goods & services KBP6013D
  • goods & services KBP6013J
  • goods & services KBP6013K
  • goods & services KBP6013L
  • goods & services KBP6013N
  • goods & services KBP6013S
  • goods & services KBP6013Y
  • goods & services KBP6013Z
  • goods free on board KBP6608J
  • goods free on board KBP6608Y
  • services KBP6609J
  • services KBP6609Y


  • Imports of goods & services KBP6014C
  • Imports of goods & services KBP6014D
  • Imports of goods & services KBP6014J
  • Imports of goods & services KBP6014K
  • Imports of goods & services KBP6014L
  • Imports of goods & services KBP6014N
  • Imports of goods & services KBP6014S
  • Imports of goods & services KBP6014Y
  • Imports of goods & services KBP6014Z
  • Imports of goods free on board KBP6610J
  • Imports of goods free on board KBP6610Y
  • Imports of services KBP6611J
  • Imports of services KBP6611Y

External account

  • goods and services: External balance of goods and services: ROW KBP6900J
  • primary incomes and current transfers: Current external balance: ROW KBP6913J
  • primary incomes and current transfers: Current international co-operation paid: ROW KBP6911J
  • primary incomes and current transfers: Current international co-operation received: ROW KBP6908J
  • primary incomes and current transfers: Dividends paid: ROW KBP6906J
  • primary incomes and current transfers: Dividends received: Rest of the world KBP6903J
  • primary incomes and current transfers: Interest paid: ROW KBP6905J
  • primary incomes and current transfers: Interest received: ROW KBP6902J
  • primary incomes and current transfers: Miscellaneous current transfers paid: ROW KBP6912J
  • primary incomes and current transfers: Miscellaneous current transfers received: ROW KBP6909J
  • primary incomes and current transfers: Other current transfers paid: ROW KBP6910J
  • primary incomes and current transfers: Other current transfers received: ROW KBP6907J
  • primary incomes and current transfers: Property income paid: ROW KBP6904J
  • primary incomes and current transfers: Property income received: ROW KBP6901J

Final consumption expenditure

  • Final consumption expenditure KBP6620J
  • Final consumption expenditure KBP6620Y
  • general government KBP6008C
  • general government KBP6008D
  • general government KBP6008J
  • general government KBP6008K
  • general government KBP6008L
  • general government KBP6008N
  • general government KBP6008S
  • general government KBP6008Y
  • general government KBP6008Z
  • households: Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics KBP6366J
  • households: Alcoholic beverages, tobacco and narcotics KBP6366Y
  • households: Clothing and footwear KBP6056J
  • households: Clothing and footwear KBP6056Y
  • households: Clothing and footwear KBP6367J
  • households: Clothing and footwear KBP6367Y
  • households: Communication KBP6372J
  • households: Communication KBP6372Y
  • households: Computers and related equipment KBP6075J
  • households: Computers and related equipment KBP6075Y
  • households: Durable goods (PCE) KBP6050C
  • households: Durable goods (PCE) KBP6050D
  • households: Durable goods (PCE) KBP6050J
  • households: Durable goods (PCE) KBP6050K
  • households: Durable goods (PCE) KBP6050L
  • households: Durable goods (PCE) KBP6050Y
  • households: Durable goods - Recreational and entertainment goods KBP6053J
  • households: Durable goods - Recreational and entertainment goods KBP6053Y
  • households: Education KBP6374J
  • households: Education KBP6374Y
  • households: Food and non- alcoholic beverages KBP6365J
  • households: Food and non- alcoholic beverages KBP6365Y
  • households: Food, beverages and tobacco KBP6062J
  • households: Food, beverages and tobacco KBP6062Y
  • households: Furnishings, household equipment & routine household maintenance KBP6369J
  • households: Furnishings, household equipment & routine household maintenance KBP6369Y
  • households: Furniture, household appliances, etc KBP6051J
  • households: Furniture, household appliances, etc KBP6051Y
  • households: Health KBP6370J
  • households: Health KBP6370Y
  • households: Household consumer goods KBP6064J
  • households: Household consumer goods KBP6064Y
  • households: Household fuel, power and water KBP6063J
  • households: Household fuel, power and water KBP6063Y
  • households: Household services, including domestic servants KBP6070J
  • households: Household services, including domestic servants KBP6070Y
  • households: Household textiles, furnishings, glassware etc KBP6057J
  • households: Household textiles, furnishings, glassware etc KBP6057Y
  • households: Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels KBP6368J
  • households: Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels KBP6368Y
  • households: Medical and pharmaceutical products KBP6065J
  • households: Medical and pharmaceutical products KBP6065Y
  • households: Medical services KBP6071J
  • households: Medical services KBP6071Y
  • households: Miscellaneous goods KBP6060J
  • households: Miscellaneous goods KBP6060Y
  • households: Miscellaneous goods and services KBP6376J
  • households: Miscellaneous goods and services KBP6376Y
  • households: Miscellaneous services KBP6074J
  • households: Miscellaneous services KBP6074Y
  • households: Motorcar tyres, parts and accessories KBP6058J
  • households: Motorcar tyres, parts and accessories KBP6058Y
  • households: Non-durable goods (PCE) KBP6061C
  • households: Non-durable goods (PCE) KBP6061D
  • households: Non-durable goods (PCE) KBP6061J
  • households: Non-durable goods (PCE) KBP6061K
  • households: Non-durable goods (PCE) KBP6061L
  • households: Non-durable goods (PCE) KBP6061Y
  • households: Other durable goods KBP6054J
  • households: Other durable goods KBP6054Y
  • households: Personal transport equipment KBP6052J
  • households: Personal transport equipment KBP6052Y
  • households: Petroleum products KBP6066J
  • households: Petroleum products KBP6066Y
  • households: Recreation and culture KBP6373J
  • households: Recreation and culture KBP6373Y
  • households: Recreational and entertainment goods KBP6067J
  • households: Recreational and entertainment goods KBP6067Y
  • households: Rent and other housing services KBP6069J
  • households: Rent and other housing services KBP6069Y
  • households: Restaurants and hotels KBP6375J
  • households: Restaurants and hotels KBP6375Y
  • households: Semi-durable goods (PCE) KBP6055C
  • households: Semi-durable goods (PCE) KBP6055D
  • households: Semi-durable goods (PCE) KBP6055J
  • households: Semi-durable goods (PCE) KBP6055K
  • households: Semi-durable goods (PCE) KBP6055L
  • households: Semi-durable goods (PCE) KBP6055Y
  • households: Semi-durable goods - Recreational and entertainment goods KBP6059J
  • households: Semi-durable goods - Recreational and entertainment goods KBP6059Y
  • households: Services (PCE) KBP6068C
  • households: Services (PCE) KBP6068D
  • households: Services (PCE) KBP6068J
  • households: Services (PCE) KBP6068K
  • households: Services (PCE) KBP6068L
  • households: Services (PCE) KBP6068Y
  • households: Services - Recreational, entertainment and educational services KBP6073J
  • households: Services - Recreational, entertainment and educational services KBP6073Y
  • households: Total KBP6007C
  • households: Total KBP6007D
  • households: Total KBP6007J
  • households: Total KBP6007K
  • households: Total KBP6007L
  • households: Total KBP6007N
  • households: Total KBP6007S
  • households: Total KBP6007Y
  • households: Total KBP6007Z
  • households: Transport KBP6371J
  • households: Transport KBP6371Y
  • households: Transport and communication services KBP6072J
  • households: Transport and communication services KBP6072Y

Fixed capital stock

  • Agriculture, forestry & fishing KBP6140Y
  • Community, social & personal services KBP6148Y
  • Construction (contractors) KBP6144Y
  • Electricity, gas & water KBP6143Y
  • Financial intermediation, insurance, real estate and business services KBP6147Y
  • General government KBP6150Y
  • Manufacturing KBP6142Y
  • Mining & quarrying KBP6141Y
  • Private business enterprises KBP6154Y
  • Public corporations KBP6153Y
  • Transport, storage & communication KBP6146Y
  • Wholesale & retail trade, catering and accommodation KBP6145Y
  • General government - Economic services KBP6134Y
  • General government - economic infrastructure KBP6132Y
  • General government - social infrastructure KBP6133Y
  • Public corporations - economic infrastructure KBP6135Y

General Government

  • Current taxes on income and wealth KBP6251J
  • Current taxes on income and wealth KBP6251K
  • Current taxes on income and wealth KBP6251L
  • Taxes on production and imports KBP6004J
  • Taxes on production and imports KBP6004K
  • Taxes on production and imports KBP6004L

Generation of income account

  • Compensation of employees of General government KBP6783J
  • Compensation of employees: Financial corporations KBP6703J
  • Compensation of employees: Households and NPIHs KBP6823J
  • Compensation of employees: Non-financial corporations KBP6743J
  • Gross operating surplus / mixed income of households and NPISHs KBP6826J
  • Gross operating surplus of Financial corporations KBP6706J
  • Gross operating surplus of General government KBP6786J
  • Gross operating surplus of non-financial corporations KBP6746J
  • Other subsidies on production: Financial corporations KBP6705J
  • Other subsidies on production: General government KBP6785J
  • Other subsidies on production: Households & NPISHs KBP6825J
  • Other subsidies on production: Non-financial corporations KBP6745J
  • Other taxes on production: Financial corporations KBP6704J
  • Other taxes on production: General government KBP6784J
  • Other taxes on production: Households and NPISHs KBP6824J
  • Other taxes on production: non-financial corporations KBP6744J

Gross disposable income at market prices

  • Gross national disposable income at market prices KBP6018J
  • financial corporations as % of total disposable income KBP6459J
  • financial corporations as % of total disposable income KBP6459K
  • general government as % of total disposable income KBP6460J
  • general government as % of total disposable income KBP6460K
  • households as % of total disposable income KBP6461J
  • households as % of total disposable income KBP6461K
  • non-financial corporations as % of total disposable income KBP6458J
  • non-financial corporations as % of total disposable income KBP6458K

Gross domestic expenditure (GDE)

  • Gross domestic expenditure KBP6019C
  • Gross domestic expenditure KBP6019D
  • Gross domestic expenditure KBP6019J
  • Gross domestic expenditure KBP6019K
  • Gross domestic expenditure KBP6019L
  • Gross domestic expenditure KBP6019Y
  • Gross domestic expenditure (including residual) KBP6012C
  • Gross domestic expenditure (including residual) KBP6012D
  • Gross domestic expenditure (including residual) KBP6012J
  • Gross domestic expenditure (including residual) KBP6012K
  • Gross domestic expenditure (including residual) KBP6012L
  • Gross domestic expenditure (including residual) KBP6012N
  • Gross domestic expenditure (including residual) KBP6012S
  • Gross domestic expenditure (including residual) KBP6012Y
  • Gross domestic expenditure (including residual) KBP6012Z

Gross domestic product (GDP)

  • Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita KBP6270J
  • Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita KBP6270Y
  • Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita KBP6270Z
  • Gross domestic product at market prices KBP6006C
  • Gross domestic product at market prices KBP6006D
  • Gross domestic product at market prices KBP6006J
  • Gross domestic product at market prices KBP6006K
  • Gross domestic product at market prices KBP6006L
  • Gross domestic product at market prices KBP6006N
  • Gross domestic product at market prices KBP6006S
  • Gross domestic product at market prices KBP6006Y
  • Gross domestic product at market prices KBP6006Z

Gross capital formation

  • Gross capital formation KBP6180J
  • Gross capital formation KBP6180K
  • Gross capital formation KBP6180Y
  • general government KBP6181J
  • private business enterprises KBP6183J
  • public corporations KBP6182J
  • financial corporations as % of total gross capital formation KBP6467J
  • financial corporations as % of total gross capital formation KBP6467K
  • general government as % of total gross capital formation KBP6468J
  • general government as % of total gross capital formation KBP6468K
  • households as % of total gross capital formation KBP6469J
  • households as % of total gross capital formation KBP6469K
  • non-financial corporations as % of total gross capital formation KBP6466J
  • non-financial corporations as % of total gross capital formation KBP6466K

Gross fixed capital

  • Total fixed capital stock KBP6149Y
  • Gross fixed capital formation KBP6009C
  • Gross fixed capital formation KBP6009D
  • Gross fixed capital formation KBP6009J
  • Gross fixed capital formation KBP6009K
  • Gross fixed capital formation KBP6009L
  • Gross fixed capital formation KBP6009N
  • Gross fixed capital formation KBP6009S
  • Gross fixed capital formation KBP6009Y
  • Gross fixed capital formation KBP6009Z
  • Agriculture, forestry and fishing (Investment) KBP6080J
  • Agriculture, forestry and fishing (Investment) KBP6080Y
  • Community, social & personal services - Local authorities (Investment) KBP6097J
  • Community, social & personal services - Other (Investment) KBP6098J
  • Community, social and per- sonal services - Central government (Investment) KBP6095J
  • Community, social and personal services (Investment) KBP6094J
  • Community, social and personal services (Investment) KBP6094Y
  • Community, social and personal services - Provincial governments KBP6096J
  • Computer software - General government KBP6196J
  • Computer software - General government KBP6196Y
  • Computer software - Private business enterprises KBP6198J
  • Computer software - Private business enterprises KBP6198Y
  • Computer software - Public corporations KBP6197J
  • Computer software - Public corporations KBP6197Y
  • Computers and related equip- ment - General government KBP6137J
  • Computers and related equip- ment - General government KBP6137Y
  • Computers and related equip- ment - Private business enterprises KBP6139J
  • Computers and related equip- ment - Private business enterprises KBP6139Y
  • Computers and related equip- ment - Public corporations KBP6138J
  • Computers and related equip- ment - Public corporations KBP6138Y
  • Construction (contractors) (Investment) KBP6086J
  • Construction (contractors) (Investment) KBP6086Y
  • Construction works - General government (Investment) KBP6119J
  • Construction works - General government (Investment) KBP6119Y
  • Construction works - Private business enterprises (Investment) KBP6121J
  • Construction works - Private business enterprises (Investment) KBP6121Y
  • Construction works - Public corporations (Investment) KBP6120J
  • Construction works - Public corporations (Investment) KBP6120Y
  • Construction works - Total (Investment) KBP6118C
  • Construction works - Total (Investment) KBP6118D
  • Construction works - Total (Investment) KBP6118J
  • Construction works - Total (Investment) KBP6118K
  • Construction works - Total (Investment) KBP6118L
  • Construction works - Total (Investment) KBP6118Y
  • Cultivated biological resources KBP6159J
  • Cultivated biological resources KBP6159Y
  • Electricity, gas & water (Investment) KBP6085J
  • Electricity, gas & water (Investment) KBP6085Y
  • Financial intermediation, insurance, real estate and business services (Investment) KBP6091J
  • Financial intermediation, insurance, real estate and business services (Investment) KBP6091Y
  • General government (Investment) KBP6100C
  • General government (Investment) KBP6100D
  • General government (Investment) KBP6100J
  • General government (Investment) KBP6100K
  • General government (Investment) KBP6100L
  • General government (Investment) KBP6100Y
  • General government - economic services (Investment) KBP6103J
  • General government - economic services (Investment) KBP6103Y
  • General government - social infrastructure (Investment) KBP6102J
  • General government - social infrastructure (Investment) KBP6102Y
  • Information, computer and telecommunications equipment - Total KBP6099J
  • Information, computer and telecommunications equipment - Total KBP6099Y
  • Machinery and other equipment - General government (Investment) KBP6127J
  • Machinery and other equipment - General government (Investment) KBP6127Y
  • Machinery and other equipment - Total (Investment) KBP6126C
  • Machinery and other equipment - Total (Investment) KBP6126D
  • Machinery and other equipment - Total (Investment) KBP6126J
  • Machinery and other equipment - Total (Investment) KBP6126K
  • Machinery and other equipment - Total (Investment) KBP6126L
  • Machinery and other equipment - Total (Investment) KBP6126Y
  • Machinery and other equipment - private business enterprises (Investment) KBP6129J
  • Machinery and other equipment - private business enterprises (Investment) KBP6129Y
  • Machinery and other equipment - public corporations (Investment) KBP6128J
  • Machinery and other equipment - public corporations (Investment) KBP6128Y
  • Manufacturing (Investment) KBP6082J
  • Manufacturing (Investment) KBP6082Y
  • Mineral exploration & evalua- tion KBP6199J
  • Mineral exploration & evalua- tion KBP6199Y
  • Mining and quarrying (Investment) KBP6081J
  • Mining and quarrying (Investment) KBP6081Y
  • Non-residential buildings - General government (Investment) KBP6115J
  • Non-residential buildings - General government (Investment) KBP6115Y
  • Non-residential buildings - Private business enterprises (Investment) KBP6117J
  • Non-residential buildings - Private business enterprises (Investment) KBP6117Y
  • Non-residential buildings - Public corporations (Investment) KBP6116J
  • Non-residential buildings - Public corporations (Investment) KBP6116Y
  • Non-residential buildings - Total (Investment) KBP6114C
  • Non-residential buildings - Total (Investment) KBP6114D
  • Non-residential buildings - Total (Investment) KBP6114J
  • Non-residential buildings - Total (Investment) KBP6114K
  • Non-residential buildings - Total (Investment) KBP6114L
  • Non-residential buildings - Total (Investment) KBP6114Y
  • Private business enterprises (Investment) KBP6109C
  • Private business enterprises (Investment) KBP6109D
  • Private business enterprises (Investment) KBP6109J
  • Private business enterprises (Investment) KBP6109K
  • Private business enterprises (Investment) KBP6109L
  • Private business enterprises (Investment) KBP6109Y
  • Public corporations (Investment) KBP6106C
  • Public corporations (Investment) KBP6106D
  • Public corporations (Investment) KBP6106J
  • Public corporations (Investment) KBP6106K
  • Public corporations (Investment) KBP6106L
  • Public corporations (Investment) KBP6106Y
  • Public corporations - economic infrastructure (Investment) KBP6107J
  • Public corporations - economic infrastructure (Investment) KBP6107Y
  • Public corporations - economic services (Investment) KBP6136Y
  • Public corporations - economic services - (Investment) KBP6101J
  • Public corporations - economic services - (Investment) KBP6101Y
  • Public corporations - economic services - (Investment) KBP6108J
  • Public corporations - economic services - (Investment) KBP6108Y
  • Research and development - General government KBP6192J
  • Research and development - General government KBP6192Y
  • Research and development - Private business enterprises KBP6194J
  • Research and development - Private business enterprises KBP6194Y
  • Research and development - Private business enterprises KBP6195J
  • Research and development - Private business enterprises KBP6195Y
  • Research and development - Public corporations KBP6193J
  • Research and development - Public corporations KBP6193Y
  • Research and development - Total KBP6191J
  • Research and development - Total KBP6191Y
  • Residential buildings - General government (Investment) KBP6111J
  • Residential buildings - General government (Investment) KBP6111Y
  • Residential buildings - Private business enterprises (Investment) KBP6113J
  • Residential buildings - Private business enterprises (Investment) KBP6113Y
  • Residential buildings - Public corporations (Investment) KBP6112J
  • Residential buildings - Public corporations (Investment) KBP6112Y
  • Residential buildings - Total (Investment) KBP6110C
  • Residential buildings - Total (Investment) KBP6110D
  • Residential buildings - Total (Investment) KBP6110J
  • Residential buildings - Total (Investment) KBP6110K
  • Residential buildings - Total (Investment) KBP6110L
  • Residential buildings - Total (Investment) KBP6110Y
  • Transfer costs (Investment) KBP6130C
  • Transfer costs (Investment) KBP6130D
  • Transfer costs (Investment) KBP6130J
  • Transfer costs (Investment) KBP6130K
  • Transfer costs (Investment) KBP6130L
  • Transfer costs (Investment) KBP6130Y
  • Transport equipment - Private business enterprises (Investment) KBP6125J
  • Transport equipment - Private business enterprises (Investment) KBP6125Y
  • Transport equipment - Public corporations (Investment) KBP6124J
  • Transport equipment - Public corporations (Investment) KBP6124Y
  • Transport equipment - Total (Investment) KBP6122C
  • Transport equipment - Total (Investment) KBP6122D
  • Transport equipment - Total (Investment) KBP6122J
  • Transport equipment - Total (Investment) KBP6122K
  • Transport equipment - Total (Investment) KBP6122L
  • Transport equipment - Total (Investment) KBP6122Y
  • Transport equipment - general government (Investment) KBP6123J
  • Transport equipment - general government (Investment) KBP6123Y
  • Transport, storage and communication (Investment) KBP6088J
  • Transport, storage and communication (Investment) KBP6088Y
  • Wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (Investment) KBP6087J
  • Wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (Investment) KBP6087Y

Gross national income

  • Gross national income (GNI) KBP6016C
  • Gross national income (GNI) KBP6016D
  • Gross national income (GNI) KBP6016J
  • Gross national income (GNI) KBP6016K
  • Gross national income (GNI) KBP6016L
  • Gross national income (GNI) KBP6016N
  • Gross national income (GNI) KBP6016S
  • Gross national income (GNI) KBP6016Y
  • Gross national income (GNI) KBP6016Z
  • Gross national income (GNI) per capita KBP6271J
  • Gross national income (GNI) per capita KBP6271Y
  • Gross national income (GNI) per capita KBP6271Z

Gross operating surplus

  • Gross operating surplus KBP6212J
  • Gross operating surplus KBP6212K
  • Gross operating surplus of financial corporations as % of total GOS KBP6455J
  • Gross operating surplus of financial corporations as % of total GOS KBP6455K
  • Gross operating surplus of general government as % of total GOS KBP6456J
  • Gross operating surplus of general government as % of total GOS KBP6456K
  • Gross operating surplus of households as % of total GOS KBP6457J
  • Gross operating surplus of households as % of total GOS KBP6457K
  • Gross operating surplus of non-financial corporations as % of total GOS KBP6454J
  • Gross operating surplus of non-financial corporations as % of total GOS KBP6454K

Gross saving

  • Gross saving - Total KBP6203J
  • Gross saving - Total KBP6203K
  • Gross saving - Total KBP6203L
  • Gross saving of financial corporations as % of total gross saving KBP6463J
  • Gross saving of financial corporations as % of total gross saving KBP6463K
  • Gross saving of general government as % of total gross saving KBP6464J
  • Gross saving of general government as % of total gross saving KBP6464K
  • Gross saving of households as % of total gross saving KBP6465J
  • Gross saving of households as % of total gross saving KBP6465K
  • Gross saving of non-financial corporations as % of total gross saving KBP6462J
  • Gross saving of non-financial corporations as % of total gross saving KBP6462K

Gross value added

  • Value added at basic prices excluding agriculture KBP6626N
  • Value added at basic prices excluding agriculture KBP6626S
  • Value added at basic prices excluding agriculture KBP6626Z
  • agriculture, foresty and fishing (GDP) KBP6631D
  • agriculture, foresty and fishing (GDP) KBP6631J
  • agriculture, foresty and fishing (GDP) KBP6631L
  • agriculture, foresty and fishing (GDP) KBP6631Y
  • all industries (GDP) KBP6645D
  • all industries (GDP) KBP6645J
  • all industries (GDP) KBP6645L
  • all industries (GDP) KBP6645Y
  • community, social and personal services (GDP) KBP6642D
  • community, social and personal services (GDP) KBP6642J
  • community, social and personal services (GDP) KBP6642L
  • community, social and personal services (GDP) KBP6642Y
  • construction (contractors) (GDP) KBP6636D
  • construction (contractors) (GDP) KBP6636J
  • construction (contractors) (GDP) KBP6636L
  • construction (contractors) (GDP) KBP6636Y
  • electricity, gas and water (GDP) KBP6635D
  • electricity, gas and water (GDP) KBP6635J
  • electricity, gas and water (GDP) KBP6635L
  • electricity, gas and water (GDP) KBP6635Y
  • finance, insurance, real estate and business services (GDP) KBP6640D
  • finance, insurance, real estate and business services (GDP) KBP6640J
  • finance, insurance, real estate and business services (GDP) KBP6640L
  • finance, insurance, real estate and business services (GDP) KBP6640Y
  • financial corporations as % total GVA KBP6451J
  • financial corporations as % total GVA KBP6451K
  • general government as % of total GVA KBP6452J
  • general government as % of total GVA KBP6452K
  • general government services (GDP) KBP6643D
  • general government services (GDP) KBP6643J
  • general government services (GDP) KBP6643L
  • general government services (GDP) KBP6643Y
  • households as % of total GVA KBP6453J
  • households as % of total GVA KBP6453K
  • manufacturing (GDP) KBP6634D
  • manufacturing (GDP) KBP6634J
  • manufacturing (GDP) KBP6634L
  • manufacturing (GDP) KBP6634Y
  • mining and quarrying (GDP) KBP6632D
  • mining and quarrying (GDP) KBP6632J
  • mining and quarrying (GDP) KBP6632L
  • mining and quarrying (GDP) KBP6632Y
  • non-financial corporations as % of total GVA KBP6450J
  • non-financial corporations as % of total GVA KBP6450K
  • other community, social and personal services (GDP) KBP6647D
  • other community, social and personal services (GDP) KBP6647J
  • other community, social and personal services (GDP) KBP6647L
  • other community, social and personal services (GDP) KBP6647Y
  • primary sector (GDP) KBP6630D
  • primary sector (GDP) KBP6630J
  • primary sector (GDP) KBP6630L
  • primary sector (GDP) KBP6630Y
  • secondary sector (GDP) KBP6633D
  • secondary sector (GDP) KBP6633J
  • secondary sector (GDP) KBP6633L
  • secondary sector (GDP) KBP6633Y
  • tertiary sector (GDP) KBP6637D
  • tertiary sector (GDP) KBP6637J
  • tertiary sector (GDP) KBP6637L
  • tertiary sector (GDP) KBP6637Y
  • transport, storage and communication (GDP) KBP6639D
  • transport, storage and communication (GDP) KBP6639J
  • transport, storage and communication (GDP) KBP6639L
  • transport, storage and communication (GDP) KBP6639Y
  • wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (GDP) KBP6638D
  • wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (GDP) KBP6638J
  • wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (GDP) KBP6638L
  • wholesale and retail trade, catering and accommodation (GDP) KBP6638Y
  • Gross value added at factor cost (GDP) KBP6003J

Net calculations

  • Net capital formation KBP6187J
  • Net capital formation by general government KBP6188J
  • Net capital formation by private business enterprises KBP6190J
  • Net capital formation by public corporations KBP6189J
  • Net capital inflow from rest of the world KBP6204J
  • Net corporate saving KBP6201J
  • Net lending (+) / borrowing (-) KBP6672J
  • Net lending (+)/borrowing (-) of general government as % of GDP KBP6471J
  • Net lending (+)/borrowing (-) of general government as % of GDP KBP6471K
  • Net lending (+)/borrowing (-) of general government as % of GDP KBP6472J
  • Net lending (+)/borrowing (-) of general government as % of GDP KBP6472K
  • Net lending (+)/borrowing (-) of households as % of GDP KBP6473J
  • Net lending (+)/borrowing (-) of households as % of GDP KBP6473K
  • Net lending (+)/borrowing (-) of non-financial corporations as % of GDP KBP6470J
  • Net lending (+)/borrowing (-) of non-financial corporations as % of GDP KBP6470K
  • Net lending (+)/borrowing (-) of the total economy as % of GDP KBP6474J
  • Net lending (+)/borrowing (-) of the total economy as % of GDP KBP6474K
  • Net operating surplus KBP6001J
  • Net saving by general government KBP6202J
  • Net saving by general government KBP6202K
  • Net saving by general government KBP6202L
  • Net saving by households KBP6200J
  • Net saving by households KBP6200K
  • Net saving by households KBP6200L

Production account

  • Gross value added of Financial corporations KBP6702J
  • Gross value added of General government KBP6782J
  • Gross value added of households and NPISHs KBP6822J
  • Gross value added of non-financial corporations KBP6742J
  • Intermediate consumption of Financial Corporations KBP6701J
  • Intermediate consumption of General government KBP6781J
  • Intermediate consumption of Non-financial corporations KBP6741J
  • Intermediate consumption of households and NPISHs KBP6821J
  • Intermediate consumption of total domestic economy KBP6871J
  • Output of Financial corporations KBP6700J
  • Output of General government KBP6780J
  • Output of households and NPISHs KBP6820J
  • Output of non-financial corporations KBP6740J
  • Output of total domestic economy KBP6870J


  • debt-service cost to disposable income KBP6289J
  • debt-service cost to disposable income KBP6289L
  • final consumption expenditure by General government to GDP KBP6281J
  • final consumption expenditure by General government to GDP KBP6281L
  • final consumption expenditure by households to GDP KBP6280J
  • final consumption expenditure by households to GDP KBP6280L
  • gross fixed capital formation to GDP KBP6282J
  • gross fixed capital formation to GDP KBP6282L
  • gross savings to GDP KBP6286J
  • gross savings to GDP KBP6286L
  • household net wealth to disposable income KBP6288J
  • household net wealth to disposable income KBP6288L
  • industrial and commercial inventories to GDP KBP6284J
  • industrial and commercial inventories to GDP KBP6284L
  • public-sector expenditure to GDP KBP6283J
  • public-sector expenditure to GDP KBP6283L
  • saving by households to disposable income of house- holds KBP6287J
  • saving by households to disposable income of house- holds KBP6287L


  • Residual item KBP6011C
  • Residual item KBP6011D
  • Residual item KBP6011J
  • Residual item KBP6011K
  • Residual item KBP6011L
  • Residual item KBP6011Y

Secondary distribution of income account

  • Current interna- tional cooperation paid: General government KBP6800J
  • Current interna- tional cooperation received: General Government KBP6796J
  • Current interna- tional cooperation received: Total domestic economy KBP6881J
  • Current international cooperation paid: Total domestic economy KBP6884J
  • Current taxes on income and wealth paid by Financial corporations KBP6717J
  • Current taxes on income and wealth paid by non-financial corporations KBP6758J
  • Current transfers received: Total domestic economy KBP6880J
  • Gross balance of primary income of households and NPISHs KBP6835J
  • Gross balance of primary income: Financial corporations KBP6714J
  • Gross balance of primary income: General government KBP6793J
  • Gross balance of primary income: Non-financial corporations KBP6756J
  • Miscellaneous current transfers paid: General government KBP6801J
  • Miscellaneous current transfers paid: Households and NPISHs KBP6843J
  • Miscellaneous current transfers paid: Non-financial corporations KBP6762J
  • Miscellaneous current transfers paid: Total domestic economy KBP6885J
  • Miscellaneous current transfers received: Total domestic economy KBP6882J
  • Miscellaneous current transfers: Households and NPISHs KBP6839J
  • Miscellaneous transfers paid: Financial corporations KBP6721J
  • Miscellaneous transfers received: General government KBP6797J
  • Net non-life insurance premiums paid : Financial corporations KBP6735J
  • Net non-life insurance premiums paid : General Government KBP6810J
  • Net non-life insurance premiums paid : ROW KBP6934J
  • Net non-life insurance premiums paid: Non-financial corporations KBP6761J
  • Net non-life insurance premiums received : ROW KBP6918J
  • Net non-life insurance premiums received: Financial corporations KBP6733J
  • Net non-life insurance premiums: Households and NPISHs KBP6842J
  • Non-life insurance claims paid: Financial corporations KBP6720J
  • Non-life insurance claims paid: ROW KBP6935J
  • Non-life insurance claims received: Financial corporations KBP6734J
  • Non-life insurance claims received: General Government KBP6809J
  • Non-life insurance claims received: Non-financial corporations KBP6757J
  • Non-life insurance claims received: ROW KBP6919J
  • Non-life insurance claims: Households and NPISHs KBP6838J
  • Other current transfers paid: Financial corporations KBP6719J
  • Other current transfers paid: General government KBP6799J
  • Other current transfers paid: Households and NPISHs KBP6841J
  • Other current transfers paid: Non-financial corporations KBP6760J
  • Other current transfers paid: Total domestic economy KBP6883J
  • Other current transfers received by households and NPISHs KBP6837J
  • Other current transfers received: Financial corporations KBP6716J
  • Other current transfers received: General government KBP6795J
  • Social benefits paid by Financial corporations KBP6718J
  • Social benefits paid: General government KBP6798J
  • Social benefits received: Households and NPISHs KBP6836J
  • Social contri- butions paid: Households and NPISHs KBP6840J
  • Social contribu- tions paid by non-financial corporations KBP6759J
  • Social contribu- tions received: General government KBP6794J
  • Social contributions received: Financial corporations KBP6715J

Use of disposable income account

  • Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements KBP6723J
  • Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements KBP6845J
  • Consumption of fixed capital: Financial corporations (Depreciation) KBP6726J
  • Consumption of fixed capital: Households and NPISHs (Depreciation) KBP6849J
  • Consumption of fixed capital: Non-financial corporations (Depreciation) KBP6766J
  • Gross disposable income of Financial corporations KBP6722J
  • Gross disposable income of General government KBP6802J
  • Gross disposable income of households and NPISHs KBP6844J
  • Gross disposable income of non-financial corporations KBP6763J
  • Gross saving of Financial corporations KBP6725J
  • Gross saving of General government KBP6803J
  • Gross saving of households and NPISHs KBP6848J
  • Gross saving of non-financial corporations KBP6765J
  • Individual consumption expenditure of total domestic economy KBP6886J
  • Net saving of Financial corporations KBP6727J
  • Net saving of non-financial corporations KBP6767J
  • Net saving of total domestic economy KBP6887J
  • Residual: Financial corporations KBP6724J
  • Residual: Households and NPISHs KBP6846J
  • Residual: Non-financial corporations KBP6764J
  • Total available households’ resources KBP6847J